Red Background Color
Red Color
Red Lighten 1 #EF5350
Red Lighten 2 #E57373
Red Lighten 3 #EF9A9A
Red Lighten 4 #FFCDD2
Red Darken 1 #E53935
Red Darken 2 #D32F2F
Red Darken 3 #C62828
Red Darken 4 #B71C1C
Red Accent 1 #FF8A80
Red Accent 2 #FF5252
Red Accent 3 #FF1744
Red Accent 4 #D50000
Red color palette contains 13 colors: 1 main red color and 4 lighten colors, 4 darken colors and 4 Accent colors. All colors works perfectly with any bootstrap components, form components or any stack controls, that makes Stack very effective, flexible and configurable.
Please note: You can use .bg-red and .btn-red as main colors, but if you want to use lighten, darken or accent colors, use bg-* bg-lighten-NUMBER for lighten color, bg-* bg-darken-NUMBER for darken color and bg-* bg-accent-NUMBER for accent colors.
Class | Description |
.bg-red |
Red Class for background color. |
.bg-lighten-* |
For lighten red background color, this
two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 lighten red color
.bg-darken-* |
For darken red background color, this
two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 darken red color
.bg-accent-* |
For accent red background color, this
two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 accent red color
Red Border Color
Red Color
Red Lighten 1 #EF5350
Red Lighten 2 #E57373
Red Lighten 3 #EF9A9A
Red Lighten 4 #FFCDD2
Red Darken 1 #E53935
Red Darken 2 #D32F2F
Red Darken 3 #C62828
Red Darken 4 #B71C1C
Red Accent 1 #FF8A80
Red Accent 2 #FF5252
Red Accent 3 #FF1744
Red Accent 4 #D50000
Class | Description |
.border-red |
Red Class for background color. |
.border-lighten-* |
For lighten red background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 lighten red color options. |
.border-top-lighten-* |
For lighten red top border. Use this classes
if you need to highlight only top border. |
.border-bottom-lighten-* |
For lighten red bottom border. Use this
classes if you need to highlight only bottom border. |
.border-right-lighten-* |
For lighten red right border. Use this
classes if you need to highlight only right border. |
.border-left-lighten-* |
For lighten red left border. Use this
classes if you need to highlight only left border. |
.border-darken-* |
For darken red background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 darken red color options. |
.border-top-darken-* |
For darken red top border. Use this classes
if you need to highlight only top border. |
.border-bottom-darken-* |
For darken red bottom border. Use this
classes if you need to highlight only bottom border. |
.border-right-darken-* |
For darken red right border. Use this
classes if you need to highlight only right border. |
.border-left-darken-* |
For darken red left border. Use this classes
if you need to highlight only left border. |
.border-accent-* |
For accent red background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 accent red color options. |
.border-top-accent-* |
For accent red top border. Use this classes
if you need to highlight only top border. |
.border-bottom-accent-* |
For accent red bottom border. Use this
classes if you need to highlight only bottom border. |
.border-right-accent-* |
For accent red right border. Use this
classes if you need to highlight only right border. |
.border-left-accent-* |
For accent red left border. Use this classes
if you need to highlight only left border. |
Red Text Color
Red Color
Red Lighten 1 #EF5350
Red Lighten 2 #E57373
Red Lighten 3 #EF9A9A
Red Lighten 4 #FFCDD2
Red Darken 1 #E53935
Red Darken 2 #D32F2F
Red Darken 3 #C62828
Red Darken 4 #B71C1C
Red Accent 1 #FF8A80
Red Accent 2 #FF5252
Red Accent 3 #FF1744
Red Accent 4 #D50000
Class | Description |
.red |
Class for Red Text color. |
.lighten-* |
For lighten red text color, this two classes
needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 for lighten red color options. |
.darken-* |
For darken red text color, this two classes
needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 for darken red color options. |
.accent-* |
For accent red text color, this two classes
needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 for accent red color options. |