
Version 2.1

Date : [24-11-2017]

  • Added : Angular 5 Starter kit for all vertical layouts.
  • Added : Dual Listbox
  • Fixed : Starter Kit card reload button click event error
  • Fixed : Horizontal layout, align footer to center align
  • Fixed : Horizontal layout, removed top padding for small screen
  • Fixed : In RTL, mega menu contact form check button align
  • Fixed : In RTL, Collapse menu icon alignment fixed
  • Updated : Improved menu collapse/expand animation
  • Updated Documentation

Version 2.0

Date : [18-11-2017]

  • Updated to Bootstrap 4 Beta (v4.0.0-beta.2)
    • Replaced below classes
      • card-body to card-content
      • card-block to card-body
      • bg-inverse to bg-dark
      • card-inverse to text-white
      • card-outline-* to border-*
      • card-(color) to bg-(color) Color = primary,success, danger, info, warning only
      • hidden-xs-down to d-none d-sm-block
      • hidden-sm-down to d-none d-md-block
      • hidden-md-down to d-none d-lg-block
      • hidden-lg-down to d-none d-xl-block
      • hidden-sm-up to d-sm-none
      • hidden-md-up to d-md-none
      • hidden-lg-up to d-lg-none
      • offset-*-* to ml-auto
  • Added : Square and Round buttons in components
  • Added : popper js
  • Updated : jQuery to latest version
  • Updated : Bootstrap js
  • Updated : chartJS
  • Updated : chartist
  • Updated : DataTables
  • Updated : Sweet alert plugin
  • Updated : Ratings plugin
  • Updated : Noui slider
  • Updated : Dropzone file uploader
  • Updated : Image cropper
  • Updated : Documentation
  • Updated : jquery.twbspagination js
  • Updated : imagesloaded.pkgd js
  • Updated : video js & css
  • Updated : bootstrap-maxlength
  • Updated : jquery.repeater js
  • Updated : Select2 js
  • Updated : jquery validation js
  • Updated : masonry.pkgd js
  • Updated : photo-swipe
  • Updated : daterangepicker js
  • Updated : bootstrap-datetimepicker js & css
  • Updated : moment-with-locales js
  • Updated : animate css
  • Fixed : Email & Chat application issue on horizontal layouts
  • Removed : tether js

Version 1.1

Date : [18-08-2017]

  • Added : Modern vertical menu template
  • Added : Chat application page
  • Added : Email application page
  • Added : New cards & widgets
  • Added : New components
    • File Uploader
    • Image Cropper
    • Form Repeater
  • Added : New Feather Icons
  • Added : Starter Kit with Modern menu
  • Added : Set vertical menu to compact by default
  • Added : Videos to documentation
  • Updated Documentation
  • Fixed : Horizontal timeline

Initial Release

Date : [09-06-2017]

Founded in June 2017