Warning Color Page

Warning Background Color

Warning Color



Warning Lighten 1 #FFB591


Warning Lighten 2 #FFC2A4


Warning Lighten 3 #FFD4BE


Warning Lighten 4 #FFE5D8


Warning Darken 1 #FFA075


Warning Darken 2 #FF976A


Warning Darken 3 #FF8D60


Warning Darken 4 #FF7D4D


Warning Accent 1 #FFF5EF


Warning Accent 2 #FFE5D8


Warning Accent 3 #FFF6F3


Warning Accent 4 #FFE3DA


Warning Palette Classes

Warning color palette contains 13 colors: 1 main warning color and 4 lighten colors, 4 darken colors and 4 Accent colors. All colors works perfectly with any bootstrap components, form components or any stack controls, that makes Stack very effective, flexible and configurable.

Please note: Default Bootstrap classes - primary, success, danger, info, warning - are available, so you can use .bg-warning and .btn-warning as main colors, but if you want to use lighten, darken or accent colors, use bg-* bg-lighten-NUMBER for lighten color, bg-* bg-darken-NUMBER for darken color and bg-* bg-accent-NUMBER for accent colors.

Class Description
.bg-warning Warning Class for background color.
For lighten warning background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 lighten warning color options.
For darken warning background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 darken warning color options.
For accent warning background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 accent warning color options.

Warning Border Color

Warning Color



Warning Lighten 1 #FFB591


Warning Lighten 2 #FFC2A4


Warning Lighten 3 #FFD4BE


Warning Lighten 4 #FFE5D8


Warning Darken 1 #FFA075


Warning Darken 2 #FF976A


Warning Darken 3 #FF8D60


Warning Darken 4 #FF7D4D


Warning Accent 1 #FFF5EF


Warning Accent 2 #FFE5D8


Warning Accent 3 #FFF6F3


Warning Accent 4 #FFE3DA


Warning Border Classes

Class Description
.border-warning Warning Class for background color.
For lighten warning background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 lighten warning color options.
For lighten warning top border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only top border.
For lighten warning bottom border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only bottom border.
For lighten warning right border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only right border.
For lighten warning left border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only left border.
For darken warning background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 darken warning color options.
For darken warning top border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only top border.
For darken warning bottom border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only bottom border.
For darken warning right border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only right border.
For darken warning left border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only left border.
For accent warning background color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 accent warning color options.
For accent warning top border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only top border.
For accent warning bottom border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only bottom border.
For accent warning right border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only right border.
For accent warning left border. Use this classes if you need to highlight only left border.

Warning Text Color

Warning Color



Warning Lighten 1 #FFB591


Warning Lighten 2 #FFC2A4


Warning Lighten 3 #FFD4BE


Warning Lighten 4 #FFE5D8


Warning Darken 1 #FFA075


Warning Darken 2 #FF976A


Warning Darken 3 #FF8D60


Warning Darken 4 #FF7D4D


Warning Accent 1 #FFF5EF


Warning Accent 2 #FFE5D8


Warning Accent 3 #FFF6F3


Warning Accent 4 #FFE3DA


Warning Text Classes

Class Description
.warning Class for Warning Text color.
For lighten warning text color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 for lighten warning color options.
For darken warning text color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 for darken warning color options.
For accent warning text color, this two classes needed. Here *: 1,2,3,4 for accent warning color options.